
Official Mission Statement

The aim of the Fair for Life Social & Fair Trade Certification Programme is to ensure fair and positive relations between producers and their cooperatives or contracting companies, between workers and their employer, between sellers and buyers on the world market while at the same time ensuring performance of standards.

Year of Establishment 2006

Key Features

'Fair for life' is a brand neutral third party certification programme for social accountability and fair trade in agricultural, manufacturing and trading operations which includes environmental criteria.

*The Fair for Life Social & FairTrade Programme offers certification with the following options to individual operators (producers/factories/estates) and all types of smallholder groups: (1.) For Life Social Responsibility Certification, (2.) Fair for Life Social & FairTrade Certification, (3) Individual Performance Evaluation.

*Before certification the operator must fulfil certain must-criteria in the indicated time frame. For certification an operator need to reach 90% in first year, 95% in the second year and 100% of the Total Norm Points per chapter in the third year.

*Fair for Life requires that there is a fair trade premium paid for community projects. The premium is generally recommended to be within the range of 10% the farmgate price, and is agreed to in a contract between buyer and seller so that IMO can follow it up.

Facts and Figures

*Fair for Life Social & FairTrade Programme offers 3 options to individual operators

*69 Social Responsibility Certificates and 209 Social & FairTrade Certificates have been issued; a wide range of products in all countries from all different production types can be certified.

可持续网站对该标准进行了环境、社会、管理、质量和伦理五个维度的分析,该标准在社会维度占比30%,环境维度占比47%,管理维度占比19%,质量维度占比3%,伦理维度占比1%。具体数据及分析请点击以下链接进行查看: Click to see the standards analysis on ITC Sustainability website.




IMOswiss AG


Weststrasse 51 CH-8570 Weinfelden Switzerland Phone: +41-71-626 0 626 (general) Phone: +49-7531-9429 127 (direct) e-mail: info@fairforlife.org

3rd party


http://www.fairforlife.org/client/fairforlife/file/FFL_2013__1_Labelling_and_Control.pdf Fair For Life - Programme -Module 1: Labelling and Control Criteria, p.20