
Official Mission Statement

The International Labour Organization (ILO) is devoted to promoting social justice and internationally recognized human and labour rights, pursuing its founding mission that labour peace is essential to prosperity.

Year of Establishment 1919

Key Features

* They ILO has identified 4 Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work, which are covered by 8 Conventions: freedom of association and collective bargaining; forced or compulsory labour; child labour; and discrimination at work.

* The most important other labour topics are: wages, hours of work, health & safety at work, social security, maternity protection, migrant workers, indigenous & tribal people

* Besides creating labour standards, the ILO promotes decent work through its Decent Work Agenda, with Decent Work Country Programmes

Facts and Figures

* Each of the 8 fundamental Conventions has been ratified on average by 170 member states

* Among the member states 91,7 states have ratified the 8 fundamental Conventions (2014).

* There are 189 Conventions and 204 Recommendations, some dating as far back as 1919.

* In 2016, in total there were 8027 ratifications

* The ILO 2 year budget of 2017-2017 is US$ 800 mln.

可持续网站对该标准进行了环境、社会、管理、质量和伦理五个维度的分析,该标准在社会维度占比30%,环境维度占比47%,管理维度占比19%,质量维度占比3%,伦理维度占比1%。具体数据及分析请点击以下链接进行查看: Click to see the standards analysis on ITC Sustainability website.

