
Official Mission Statement

VCS was founded to provide a robust quality assurance standard that projects could use to quantify greenhouse gas emissions and issue credits in voluntary markets.

From its early days, VCS has grown into a comprehensive GHG program that is steadily evolving in reponse to market needs. Our mission is

- To provide a trusted, robust and user-friendly program that brings quality assurance to voluntary carbon markets.

- To pioneer innovative rules and tools that open new avenues for carbon crediting and allow businesses, non-profits and government entities to engage in on-the-ground climate action.

- To share knowledge and encourage the uptake of best practice in carbon markets so that markets develop along coherent and compatible lines even as top-down regulations take shape.

Year of Establishment 2005

Key Features

The VCS Program provides the standard and framework for independent validation of projects and programs, and verification of GHG emission reductions and removals, based on ISO 14064-2:2006 and ISO 14064-3:2006.

The scope of the VCS Program covers all those activities related to the generation of GHG emission reductions and removals, including jurisdictional programs and nested REDD+ projects. The scope does not include carbon footprint assessments or carbon neutrality claims.

The VCS registry system is a multi-registry system and is comprised of the VCS project database and the VCS registries.

Facts and Figures

* 106.2 million VCUs issued

* 903 projects registered

* 719 projects with VCUs issued

* 184 Projects without VCUs issued

* 39 active validation/verification bodies (VVBs) worldwide

可持续网站对该标准进行了环境、社会、管理、质量和伦理五个维度的分析,该标准在社会维度占比30%,环境维度占比47%,管理维度占比19%,质量维度占比3%,伦理维度占比1%。具体数据及分析请点击以下链接进行查看: Click to see the standards analysis on ITC Sustainability website.




3rd party


AFOLU projects, which need to submit a verification report within five years of its previous verification in order to avoid the risk of losing credits stored in the AFOLU Pooled Buffer Account.